&ot;well, well,&ot; said sancho, &ot;god is heaven, and sees all tricks,and will jud who does ost har, i not speakg right, or yourworship not dog it&ot;
&ot;that is enough,&ot; said dorothea; &ot;run, sancho, and kiss yourlord&039;s hand and beg his pardon, and henceforward be ore circpecith your praise and abe; and say nothg disparant of thatlady tobo, of who i know nothg save that i a her servant; andput your trt god, for you will not fail to obta dignity as to live like a prce&ot;
sancho advanced hangg his head and begd his aster&039;s hand, whichdon ixote with dignity presented to hi, givg hi his blessgas on as he had kissed it; he then bade hi go on ahead a little, a射 had estions to ask hi and atters of great iportance to discswith hi sancho obeyed, and when the o had gone distance advance don ixote said to hi, &ot;sce thy return i have had noopportunity or ti to ask thee any particulars touchg thyission and the answer thou hast brought back, and now that 插nce hasgranted the ti and opportunity, deny not the happess thoucanst give by such good news&ot;
&ot;let your worship ask what you will,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;for ishall fd a way out of all as as i found a way ; but i iplore you,senor, not not to be revenful future&ot;
&ot;why dost thou say that, sancho?&ot; said don ixote
&ot;i say it,&ot; he returned, &ot;becae those blows jt now were orebecae of the arrel the devil stirred up beeen both theother night, than