roe went back, while don ixote reaed on horseback, jt as hewas, waitg for day, and it was not long before the untenance ofthe fair aurora began to show itself at the balnies of the east,gladdeng the grass and flowers, if not the ear, though to gladdenthat too there ca at the sa ont a und of clarions anddr, and a d of bells, and a trap, trap, and cries of &ot;clear theway there!&ot; of runners, that seed to issue fro the city thedawn ade way for the sun that with a face broader than a bucklerbegan to rise slowly above the low le of the horizon; don ixoteand sancho gazed all round the; they beheld the sea, a sight untilthen unseen by the; it struck the as exceedgly spacio and broad,uch ore than the lakes of ruidera which they had seen laan插 they saw the galleys along the beach, which, lowerg theirawngs, displayed theselves decked with strears and pennons thattrebled the breeze and kissed and swept the water, while onboard the bugles, trupets, and clarions were undg and fillg theair far and near with lodio warlike notes then they began to oveand execute a kd of skirish upon the cal water, while a vastnuber of horsen on fe horses and showy liveries, issugfro the city, engad on their side a what siilar oventthe ldiers on board the galleys kept up a ceaseless fire, which theyon the walls and forts of the city returned, and the heavy cannon rentthe air with the trendo noise they ade, to which the gangway gunf the galleys replied the bright sea, the silg earth, the clearair