
“Now; Dent;” continued Mr。 Rochester; “it is your turn。” And as the other party withdrew; he and his band took the vacated seats。 Miss Ingram placed herself at her leader’s right hand; the other diviners filled the chairs on each side of him and her。 I did not now watch the actors; I no longer waited with interest for the curtain to rise; my attention was absorbed by the spectators; my eyes; erewhile fixed on the arch; were now irresistibly attracted to the semicircle of chairs。 What charade Colonel Dent and his party played; what word they chose; hoselves; I no longer remember; but I still see the consultation which followed each scene: I see Mr。 Rochester turn to Miss Ingram; and Miss Ingram to him; I see her incline her head towards him; till the jetty curls almost touch his shoulder and wave against his cheek; I hear their mutual whisperings; I recall their interchanged glances; and something even of the feeling roused by the spectacle returns in memory at this moment。

I have told you; reader; that I had learnt to love Mr。 Rochester: I could not unlove him now; merely because I found that he had ceased to notice me—because I might pass hours in his presence; and he would never once turn his eyes in my direction—because I saw all his attentions appropriated by a great lady; who scorned to touch me with the hem of her robes as she passed; who; if ever her dark and imperious eye fell on me by chance; would withdraw it instantly as from an object too mean to merit 

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關於年代真千金被讀心,全家炮灰開掛: 姜姍姍穿成了年代文裡,開局被餓死的小可伶。養父母只想拿她換錢給親兒子娶媳婦。為求生機,她大鬧一場,和養父母劃清界限!回到了親生父母身邊後,才知道,他們一家子都是炮灰,將來會被戀愛腦假千金害死!當兵的大哥,為了給假千金出氣,分配到了大西北地。工人二哥,為了救假千金,殘廢了,最後自殺。還有三哥,為了救假千金被淹死。醫生媽,受不了家裡接連的打擊,病逝。副廠長爸,為
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