
; &c。 In short; I began the process of ruining myself in the received style; like any other spoony。 I had not; it seems; the originality to chalk out a new road to shame and destruction; but trode the old track with stupid exactness not to deviate an inch from the beaten centre。 I had—as I deserved to have—the fate of all other spoonies。 Happening to call one evening when Céline did not expect me; I found her out; but it was a warm night; and I was tired with strolling through Paris; so I sat down in her boudoir; happy to breathe the air consecrated so lately by her presence。 No;—I exaggerate; I never thought there was any consecrating virtue about her: it was rather a sort of pastille perfume she had left; a scent of musk and amber; than an odour of sanctity。 I was just beginning to stifle with the fumes of conservatory flowers and sprinkled essences; when I bethought myself to open the window and step out on to the balcony。 It was moonlight and gaslight besides; and very still and serene。 The balcony was furnished with a chair or two; I sat down; and took out a cigar;—I will take one now; if you will excuse me。”

Here ensued a pause; filled up by the producing and lighting of a cigar; having placed it to his lips and breathed a trail of Havannah incense on the freezing and sunless air; he went on—

“I liked bonbons too in those days; Miss Eyre; and I was croquant— (overlook the barbarism)—croquant chocolate fits; and smoking alternately; watching meantime th

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關於年代真千金被讀心,全家炮灰開掛: 姜姍姍穿成了年代文裡,開局被餓死的小可伶。養父母只想拿她換錢給親兒子娶媳婦。為求生機,她大鬧一場,和養父母劃清界限!回到了親生父母身邊後,才知道,他們一家子都是炮灰,將來會被戀愛腦假千金害死!當兵的大哥,為了給假千金出氣,分配到了大西北地。工人二哥,為了救假千金,殘廢了,最後自殺。還有三哥,為了救假千金被淹死。醫生媽,受不了家裡接連的打擊,病逝。副廠長爸,為
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