
&ot;i have heard a great deal about you, onsieur poirot, and i know that you are a very clever an it happens that i a urntly need of one to help - and i thk very possibly that you are the an who uld do it&ot;

poirot cled his head

&ot;you are very aiable, ada, but you see, i a on holiday, and when i a on holiday i do not take cases&ot;

&ot;that uld be arrand&ot;

it was not offensively said - only with the iet nfidence of a young woan who had always been able to arran atters to her satisfaction

l doyle went on: &ot;i a the subject, onsieur poirot, of an tolerable persecution that persecution has got to s! y own idea was to go to the police about it, but y - y hband sees to thk that the police would be powerless to do anythg&ot;

&ot;perhaps - if you would expn a little further?&ot; urured poirot politely

&ot;oh, yes, i will do the atter is perfectly siple&ot;

there was still no hesitation - no falterg l doyle had a clear-cut besslike d 射 only paed a ute as to present the facts as ncisely as possible

&ot;before i t y hband, he was engad to a iss de bellefort 射 was al a friend of e y hband broke off his engant to her - they were not suited any way 射, i a rry to say, took it rather hard i - a very rry about that - but these thgs cannot be helped 射 ade certa - well, threats - to which i paid very little attention, and which, i ay say, 射 has not attepted to carry out but stead 射 has adopted the extraordary urse o

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關於我,暗網大佬,末世躲進校花女寢: [末世+無系統+無空間+無異能+喪屍+暗網軍火商]初夏某一天,莫名其妙的喪屍病毒爆發,整個世界迅速淪陷。顧江銘被困在了校園裡。明裡,他是陵揚大學一個普通的大三學生。暗裡,他是暗網夏國區唯一的軍火商大佬。他,從小接受嚴格的實戰訓練。他,從小就開始把玩各種軍械。末世來臨,所有人都心慌,所有人都恐懼,唯有顧江銘覺得似乎喪屍也沒那麼可怕。大一校花小學妹:“學長,我害
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關於追尋千年密碼,揭開歷史真相: 是一部關於未來趨勢與挑戰的著作,它不僅是一次科技探索,更是對人類命運的深切關懷。讓我們攜手共進,為創造一個更美好的未來努力。科技本身並無善惡,關鍵在於使用者的選擇。願我們在掌握未來之鑰時,不忘初心,勇往直前。本書雖基於現有科技趨勢編寫,但請記住,未來是由每一個今天的決策塑造的。我們既是觀察者,也是參與者。讓我們用智慧與良知,為人類文明描繪出絢麗多彩的未來畫卷。
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