第192頁 (第4/7頁)
ptas showed pnly the ncern they felt, the rent&039;s ladywas downcast, and the pilgris did not at all enjoy seeg theirproperty nfiscated roe kept the spense this way for awhile; but he had no desire to prolong their distress, which ightbe seen a bowshot off, and turng to the captas he said, &ot;sirs,will your worships be pleased of your urtesy to lend sixtycrowns, and her ladyship the rent&039;s wife eighty, to satisfy thisband that follows , for &039;it is by his sgg the abbot ts hisdner;&039; and then you ay at once proceed on your journey, free andunhdered, with a safe-nduct which i shall give you, that if youe across any other bands of e that i have scattered theseparts, they ay do you no har; for i have no tention of dogjury to ldiers, or to any woan, especially one of ality&ot;
profe and hearty were the expressions of gratitude with whichthe captas thanked roe for his urtesy and nerosity; for suchthey regarded his leavg the their own oney senora dona guioar deones wanted to throw herself out of the ach to kiss the feet andhands of the great roe, but he would not suffer it on any aount; far fro that, he begd her pardon for the wrong he had done herunder pressure of the exorable necessities of his unfortunatecallg the rent&039;s lady ordered one of her servants to give theeighty crowns that had been assessed as her share at once, for thecaptas had already paid down their sixty the pilgris were about togive up the whole of their little hoard, but roe bade the k