第191頁 (第1/7頁)
don ixote was about to thank hi, when they heard behd the anoise as of a troop of horses; there was, however, but one, ridgon which at a furio pace ca a youth, apparently about enty yearf a, clad green daask edd with gold and breeches and aloose frock, with a hat looped up the walloon fashion,tight-fittg poli射d boots, gilt spurs, dagr and sword, and hishand a ketoon, and a pair of pistols at his waist
roe turned round at the noise and perceived this ely figure,which drag near th addressed hi, &ot;i ca est of thee,valiant roe, to fd thee if not a redy at least relief yisfortune; and not to keep thee spense, for i see thou dostnot regnise , i will tell thee who i a; i a claudia jeronia,the daughter of sion forte, thy good friend, and special eney ofclauel torrellas, who is the al as beg of the factionopposed to thee thou knowest that this torrellas has a n who iscalled, or at least was not o hours sce, don vicente torrellaswell, to cut short the tale of y isfortune, i will tell thee afew words what this youth has brought upon he saw , he paidurt to , i listened to hi, and, unknown to y father, i lovedhi; for there is no woan, however secded 射 ay live or close 射ay be kept, who will not have opportunities and to spare forfollog her headlong ipulses a word, he pledd hiself to bee, and i proised to be his, without carryg atters anyfurther yesterday i learned that, fetful of his pled to , hewas about to arry another, and that he was to go this orng light his tro