
Jesus shoot me Christ shoot me mama mia mama Mia oh purest lovely Mary shoot me。 Stop it。 Stop it。 Stop it。 Oh Jesus lovely Mary stop it。 Oh oh oh oh;〃 then choking; 〃Mama mama mia。〃 Then he was quiet; biting his arm; the stump of his leg twitching。

〃Porta feriti!〃 I shouted holding my hands cupped。 〃Porta feriti!〃 I tried to get closer to Passini to try to put a tourniquet on the legs but I could not move。 I tried again and my legs moved a little。 I could pull backward along with my arms and elbows。 Passini was quiet now。 I sat beside him; undid my tunic and tried to rip the tail of my shirt。 It would not rip and I bit the edge of the cloth to start it。 Then I thought of his puttees。 I had on wool stockings but Passini wore puttees。 All the drivers wore puttees but Passini had only one leg。 I unwound the puttee and while I was doing it I saw there was no need to try and make a tourniquet because he was dead already。 I made sure he was dead。 There were three others to locate。 I sat up straight and as I did so something inside my head moved like the weights on a doll's eyes and it hit me inside in back of my eyeballs。 My legs felt warm and wet and my shoes were wet and warm inside。 I knew that I was hit and leaned over and put my hand on my knee。 My knee wasn't there。 My hand went in and my knee was down on my shin。 I wiped my hand on my shirt and another floating light came very slowly down and I looked at my leg and was very afraid。 Oh; God; I said; get me out of 

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關於老婆給了一巴掌,宿主說爽到了: ++(非單元劇)江遇打坐時被一個自稱為“以下犯上”組001號的系統繫結了,按照要求他需要穿梭在三千世界中,完成原主願望的同時收集“以下犯上”值。江遇:這把我最拿手了在娛樂圈文學中,他是十八線小明星,在見面第一晚就反將自家“總裁”欺負了在霸總文學中,他是霸總公司的熱情男大,精力總是格外旺盛......以下犯上值還用特意去收集嗎,江遇表示soeasy的
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