第141章 班傑明和父母談心 (第1/2頁)
在這些人群中,眼神兒有懼怕的,有貪婪的,有羨慕的,不過他們也不傻,知道人家既然亮出來,就有更大的底牌。 皇帝等人自是看到了這些貪婪的眼神兒,不過他們不怕。 跟隨的大臣自豪的解釋道“這是我們國家特有的功法,是內力極高的人才可以做到,我們可以給你們一份兒,你們自己研究就可以,但是還是從小孩子修煉起來比較好。” 洛克蘭聽後激動的行禮說道“謝謝皇帝陛下。” ………… 待皇上宴請英國來使後,繼續帶著使臣們去看別的地方,班傑明和父母等到晚上才可以好好說話了。 班傑明狠狠地抱了一下自己的爸爸媽媽,開心的說道"Mother and father, I miss you so much. Are you all right?(媽媽爸爸,我好想你們,你們還好嗎?)" “Baby, we are fine, but we also miss you. How have you been in Daqing these years? Your grandparents miss you too.(寶貝,我們很好,我們也很想你,這些年你在大清還好嗎?你的爺爺奶奶也很想你。)” “I'm fine here, and the emperor is very kind to me, and I miss them very much, but I can go back to see them soon, because I met friends who can entrust my life here, and I'm very happy, Mommy.(我在這裡很好,皇上也對我很好,我也很想他們,但是我很快就可以回去見他們了,因為我在這裡遇到了可以託付生命的朋友,媽咪我很快樂!)” 班傑明的一番話讓他父母很驚訝,疑惑的看向班傑明,說道“What do you mean, son?(兒子,什麼意思?)” “Mom and Dad, look!(爸爸媽媽,你們看)。”說著班傑明抬起了手,手心突然冒出了火,驚呆了他的爸爸媽媽。 伯爵夫婦張開的嘴能塞下一個雞蛋,瞪大了眼睛看著班傑明,不等他們說話,班傑明又端起了窗臺上的一盆花,只不過還沒有開花,只長出了花骨朵,班傑明手撫上花的根部,泛起綠色光芒,花也肉眼可見的生長了起來,花骨朵也隨之開放…… 班傑明媽媽捂著嘴說道“Oh, my God, son, are you learning magic? This is amazing.(天吶,兒子,你這是學習魔法了嗎?這也太神奇了)。” “Son, you are great. It seems that you were right to insist on ing to study in Qing Dynasty. Did you learn all this from the people in Qing Dynasty? That's amazing.(兒子,你太棒了,看來當初你執意要來大清學習是對的,你這些都是跟著大清的人學的嗎?真是太厲害了)。” 班傑明說道“Yes, Mom and Dad, I was not allowed to study as a native of Great Britain, but the emperor believed me, and he pushed me to study. I am very grateful to him. He let me know the meaning of all rivers run into