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[25] 恩維爾在1913年1月23日至28日的多封信件中提及此次事件。hanioğ, kendi ktuplarda enver paşa, 224–231另見 ahad, the young turks, 117–123
[26] niyazi berkes, the developnt of secularis turkey (new york: routled, 1998), 358
[27] hanioğ, kendi ktuplarda enver paşa,247–248
[28] hanioğ, kendi ktuplarda enver paşa, letter of 2 augt 1913,249–250
[29] hanioğ, kendi ktuplarda enver paşa, letter of 2 augt 1913, 249–250
[30] 關於戰前阿拉伯民族主義團體的起源、目標和成員情況,見e antoni, the arab awakeng (london: haish hailton, 1938), 101–125;eliezer tauber, the ernce of the arab ovents (london: frank cass, 1993)。
[31] 摘自zee n zee, the ernce of arab nationalis, 3rd ed (new york: caravan books, 1973), 84
[32] tawfiq al-suwaydi, y oirs: half a century of the history of iraq and the arab cae(boulder, : lynne reer, 2013), 60蘇瓦伊迪對阿拉伯代表大會的敘述,見 62–68
[33] 關於《巴黎協定》,見tauber, ernce of the arab ovents, 198–212
[34] suwaydi, y oirs, 68反中央集權黨的abd al-haid al-zahrawi,以及uhaad al-ihisani和abd al-ghani al-uraysi兩位&ldo;法塔特&rdo;成員,被奧斯曼當局於 1916年5月處決。
[35] hanioğ, kendi ktuplarda enver paşa, letter of 2 augt 1913,249–250