
&ot;perhaps, brother,&ot; said the elesiastic, &ot;you are that sanchopanza that is ntioned, to who your aster has proised an island?&ot;

&ot;yes, i a,&ot; said sancho, &ot;and what&039;s ore, i a one who deserves itas uch as anyone; i a one of the rt- &039;attach thyself to thegood, and thou wilt be one of the,&039; and of those, &039;not with who thouart bred, but with who thou art fed,&039; and of those, &039;who leansagast a good tree, a good shade vers hi;&039; i have leant upon agood aster, and i have been for onths gog about with hi, andplease god i shall be jt such another; long life to hi and longlife to , for neither will he be any want of epires to rule,or i of islands to govern&ot;

&ot;no, sancho y friend, certaly not,&ot; said the duke, &ot;for thena of senor don ixote i nfer upon you the governnt of one ofno sall iportance that i have at y disposal&ot;

&ot;go down on thy knees, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;and kiss the feetof his excellence for the favour he has bestowed upon thee&ot;

sancho obeyed, and on seeg this the elesiastic stood up frotable pletely out of teper, excg, &ot;by the gown i wear, ia alost cled to say that your excellence is as great a fool asthese sners no wonder they are ad, when people who are theirsenses sanction their adness! i leave your excellence with the,for long as they are the hoe, i will rea y own, andspare yself the trouble of reprovg what i cannot redy;&ot; andwithout utterg another word,

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