
the duke, duchess, and don ixote had reached this pot theirnversation, when they heard voices and a great hubbub the palace,and sancho burst abruptly to the roo all glog with anr, with astrag-cloth by way of a bib, and followed by several servants, or,ore properly speakg, kitchen-boys and other underlgs, one of whocarried a sall trough full of water, that fro its lour andipurity was pnly dishwater the one with the trough pursued hiand followed hi everywhere he went, endeavourg with the utostpersistence to thrt it under his ch, while another kitchen-boyseed anxio to wash his beard

&ot;what is all this, brothers?&ot; asked the duchess &ot;what is it? whatdo you want to do to this good an? do you fet he is agovernor-elect?&ot;

to which the barber kitchen-boy replied, &ot;the ntlean will not lethiself be wa射d as is ctoary, and as y lord the and the senorhis aster have been&ot;

&ot;yes, i will,&ot; said sancho, a great ra; &ot;but i&039;d like it tobe with cleaner towels, clearer lye, and not such dirty hands; forthere&039;s not uch difference beeen and y aster that he shouldbe wa射d with anls&039; water and i with devil&039;s lye the ctos ofuntries and prces&039; palaces are only good long as they give noannoyance; but the way of washg they have here is worse than dogpenance i have a clean beard, and i don&039;t reire to be refre射d that fashion, and whoever es to wash or touch a hair of yhead, i an to say y beard, with all due respect be it said, i&

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