he was gog along entirely abrbed these fancies, when sanchosaid to hi, &ot;isn&039;t it odd, senor, that i have still before y eyesthat onstro enoro nose of y gossip, to cecial?&ot;
&ot;and dost thou, then, believe, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;thatthe knight of the irrors was the bachelor carras, and his sireto cecial thy gossip?&ot;
&ot;i don&039;t know what to say to that,&ot; replied sancho; &ot;all i know isthat the tokens he gave about y own hoe, wife and children,nobody else but hiself uld have given ; and the face, once thenose was off, was the very face of to cecial, as i have seen itany a ti y town and next door to y own hoe; and the und ofthe voice was jt the sa&ot;
&ot;let rean the atter, sancho,&ot; said don ixote &ot;e now,by what process of thkg can it be supposed that the bachelorsan carras would e as a knight-errant, ars offensive anddefensive, to fight with ? have i ever been by any 插nce his eney?have i ever given hi any oasion to owe a grud? a i his rival,or does he profess ars, that he should envy the fa i haveacired the?&ot;
&ot;well, but what are we to say, senor,&ot; returned sancho, &ot;aboutthat knight, whoever he is, beg like the bachelor carras, andhis sire like y gossip, to cecial? and if that been插ntnt, as your worship says, was there no other pair theworld for the to take the likeness of?&ot;
&ot;it is all,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;a sche and plot of the alignantagicians that persecute , who, for