
good god! what a nuber of untries and nations he nad! givg toeach its proper attributes with arvello readess; briful andsaturated with what he had read his lyg books! sancho panzahung upon his words without speakg, and fro ti to ti turnedto try if he uld see the knights and giants his aster wasdescribg, and as he uld not ake out one of the he said to hi:

&ot;senor, devil take it if there&039;s a sign of any an you talk of,knight or giant, the whole thg; aybe it&039;s all en插ntnt,like the phantos last night&ot;

&ot;how canst thou say that!&ot; answered don ixote; &ot;dost thou not hearthe neighg of the steeds, the brayg of the trupets, the roll ofthe dr?&ot;

&ot;i hear nothg but a great bleatg of ewes and 射ep,&ot; saidsancho; which was true, for by this ti the o flocks had eclose

&ot;the fear thou art , sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;prevents theefro seeg or hearg rrectly, for one of the effects of fear is toderan the senses and ake thgs appear different fro what theyare; if thou art such fear, withdraw to one side and leave toyself, for alone i suffice to brg victory to that side to which ishall give y aid;&ot; and sayg he gave rocante the spur, andputtg the lance rest, shot down the slope like a thunderboltsancho shouted after hi, cryg, &ot;e back, senor don ixote; i vowto god they are 射ep and ewes you are 插rgg! e back! unckythe father that begot ! what adness is this! look, there is nogiant, nor knight, nor cats, nor ars, nor shields a

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