
aritornes was frettg and sweatg at fdg herself held fastby don ixote, and not understandg or heedg the words headdressed to her, 射 strove without speakg to free herself theworthy carrier, whose unholy thoughts kept hi awake, was aware of hisdoxy the ont 射 entered the door, and was listeng attentively toall don ixote said; and jealo that the asturian should have brokenher word with hi for another, drew nearer to don ixote&039;s bed andstood still to see what would e of this talk which he uld notunderstand; but when he perceived the wench strugglg to t free anddon ixote strivg to hold her, not relishg the joke he raised hisar and delivered such a terrible cuff on the lank jaws of the aoroknight that be bathed all his outh blood, and not ntent withthis he ounted on his ribs and with his feet traped all over the ata pace rather sarter than a trot the bed which was what crazyand not very fir on its feet, unable to support the additional weightof the carrier, ca to the ground, and at the ighty crash of thisthe nkeeper awoke and at once ncded that it t be brawlof aritornes&039;, becae after callg loudly to her he got noanswer with this spicion he got up, and lightg a lap hastened tothe arter where he had heard the disturbance the wench, seeg thather aster was g and knog that his teper was terrible,frightened and panic-stricken ade for the bed of sancho panza, whostill slept, and crouchg upon it ade a ball of herself

the nkeeper ca excg, &ot;where art thou, strupet? of

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