
to all which his aster said reply, &ot;i wish i had breath enoughto speak what easily, and that the pa i feel on this sidewould abate as to let expn to thee, panza, the istake thouakest e now, sner, suppose the d of fortune, hitherto adverse, should turn our favour, fillg the sails of our desires that safely and without ipedt we put to port oneof those islands i have proised thee, how would it be with thee if onng it i ade thee lord of it? why, thou wilt ake it well-nighipossible through not beg a knight nor havg any desire to be one,nor possessg the ura nor the will to aven sults or defendthy lordship; for thou t know that newly nered kgdosand provces the ds of the habitants are never iet nor well disposed to the new lord that there is no fear of their akg ove to 插n atters once ore, and try, as they say, what插nce ay do for the; it is essential that the new possesrshould have good sense to enable hi to govern, and valour to attackand defend hiself, whatever ay befall hi&ot;

&ot; what has now befallen ,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;i&039;d have beenwell pleased to have that good sense and that valour your worshipspeaks of, but i swear on the faith of a poor an i a ore fit forplasters than for argunts see if your worship can t up, and let help rocante, though he does not deserve it, for he was thea cae of all this thrashg i never thought it of rocante, fori took hi to be a virtuo pern and as iet as yself afterall, they say right that it takes a long ti to e to k

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