
&ot;i will do very willgly,&ot; said vivaldo; and as all thebystanders were eally ear they gathered round hi, and he, readg a loud voice, found that it ran as follows

插pter xiv

where are serted the despairg verses of the dead 射pherd,tother with other cidents not looked for

the lay of chrysto

sce thou dost thy cruelty desire

the ruthless rigour of thy tyranny

fro tongue to tongue, fro land to land procd,

the very hell will i nstra to lend

this stricken breast of e deep notes of woe

to serve y need of fittg utterance

and as i strive to body forth the tale

of all i suffer, all that thou hast done,

forth shall the dread voice roll, and bear along

shreds fro y vitals torn for greater pa

then listen, not to dulcet harony,

but to a disrd wrung by ad despair

out of this bo&039;s depths of bitterness,

to ease y heart and plant a stg the

the lion&039;s roar, the fierce wolf&039;s sava howl,

the horrid hissg of the scaly snake,

the awe cries of onsters yet unnad,

the crow&039;s ill-bodg croak, the hollow oan

of wild ds wrestlg with the restless sea,

the wrathful bellow of the vani射d bull,

the pntive bbg of the widowed dove,

the envied owl&039;s sad note, the wail of woe

that rises fro the dreary choir of hell,

gled one und, nfg sense,

let all these e to aid y ul&039;s pnt,

for pa

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