
&ot; the adhoe at seville there was a an who his relations hadplaced there as beg out of his d he was a graduate of osuna canon law; but even if he had been of salaanca, it was the opion ofost people that he would have been ad all the sa this graduate,after years of nfent, took it to his head that he wassane and his full senses, and under this ipression wrote to thearchbishop, entreatg hi earnestly, and very rrect langua, tohave hi released fro the isery which he was livg; for by god&039;srcy he had now revered his lost rean, though his relations, order to enjoy his property, kept hi there, and, spite of thetruth, would ake hi out to be ad until his dyg day thearchbishop, oved by repeated sensible, well-written letters, directedone of his 插pns to ake iry of the adhoe as to the truthof the licentiate&039;s statents, and to have an terview with theadan hiself, and, if it should appear that he was his senses, totake hi out and restore hi to liberty the 插pn did , andthe governor assured hi that the an was still ad, and that thoughhe often spoke like a highly tellt pern, he would the endbreak out to nonsense that antity and ality unterbalancedall the sensible thgs he had said before, as ight be easilytested by talkg to hi the 插pn relved to try the expert,and obtag aess to the adan nversed with hi for an hour orore, durg the whole of which ti he never uttered a word thaas herent or absurd, but, on the ntrary, spoke rationallythat the 插pn was pelled to believe hi to be

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