&ot;difficulties are attepted either for the sake of god or for thesake of the world, or for both; those undertaken for god&039;s sake arethose which the sats undertake when they attept to live the livef anls huan bodies; those undertaken for the sake of theworld are those of the n who traverse such a vast expanse ofwater, such a variety of cliates, any stran untries, toacire what are called the blessgs of fortune; and those undertakenfor the sake of god and the world tother are those of braveldiers, who no oner do they see the eney&039;s wall a breach aswide as a cannon ball uld ake, than, castg aside all fear,without hesitatg, or heedg the anifest peril that threatens the,borne onward by the desire of defendg their faith, their untry,and their kg, they flg theselves dauntlessly to the idst ofthe thoand opposg deaths that await the such are the thgs thatn are wont to attept, and there is honour, glory, ga, atteptg the, however full of difficulty and peril they ay be; butthat which thou sayest it is thy wish to attept and carry out willnot thee the glory of god nor the blessgs of fortune nor faaong n; for even if the issue he as thou wouldst have it, thou wiltbe no happier, richer, or ore honoured than thou art this ont; andif it be otherwise thou wilt be reduced to isery greater than canbe iad, for then it will avail thee nothg to reflect that noone is aware of the isfortune that has befallen thee; it will sufficeto torture and crh thee that thou knowest it thyself a