
to this the curate replied that not only were they not weary oflisteng to hi, but that the details he ntioned terested thegreatly, beg of a kd by no ans to be oitted and deservg ofthe sa attention as the a story

&ot;to proceed, then,&ot; ntued cardenio: &ot;all beg assebled the hall, the priest of the parish ca and as he took the pairby the hand to perfor the reisite cereony, at the words, &039;willyou, senora scda, take senor don fernando, here present, foryour lawful hband, as the holy other church ordas?&039; i thrt yhead and neck out fro beeen the tapestries, and with ear ears andthrobbg heart set yself to listen to scda&039;s answer, awaitg her reply the sentence of death or the grant of life oh, that i hadbut dared at that ont to rh forward cryg aloud, &039;scda,scda! have a care what thou dost; reber what thou owest ;bethk thee thou art e and canst not be another&039;s; reflect thatthy utterance of &ot;yes&ot; and the end of y life will e at the sastant o, treachero don fernando! robber of y glory, death ofy life! what seekest thou? reber that thou canst not as achristian atta the object of thy wi射s, for scda is y bride,and i a her hband!&039; fool that i a! now that i a far away, and outof danr, i say i should have done what i did not do: now that i haveallowed y precio treasure to be robbed fro , i curse the robber,on who i ight have taken venance had i as uch heart for it as ihave for bewailg y fate; short, as i was then a ward and afool, little wonder

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