
the next day they reached the place where sancho had d thebroo-branches as arks to direct hi to where he had left his aster,and regnisg it he told the that here was the entrance, and thatthey would do well to dress theselves, if that was reired todeliver his aster; for they had already told hi that gog thisguise and dressg this way were of the highest iportance orderto rescue his aster fro the pernicio life he had adopted; and they插rd hi strictly not to tell his aster who they were, or thathe knew the, and should he ask, as ask he would, if he had giventhe letter to dulcea, to say that he had, and that, as 射 did notknow how to read, 射 had given an answer by word of outh, saygthat 射 anded hi, on pa of her displeasure, to e and seeher at once; and it was a very iportant atter for hiself, becae this way and with what they ant to say to hi they felt sure ofbrgg hi back to a better ode of life and ducg hi to takeidiate steps to bee an eperor or onarch, for there was no fearof his beg an archbishop all this sancho listened to and fixedit well his ory, and thanked the heartily for tendg torend his aster to be an eperor stead of an archbishop, for hefelt sure that the way of bestog rewards on their sireseperors uld do ore than archbishops-errant he said, too, thatit would be as well for hi to go on before the to fd hi, and givehi his lady&039;s answer; for that perhaps ight be enough to brg hiaway fro the place without puttg the to all this trouble theyapproved of what sanch

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