
&ot;i t say, senor, your worship said ite right, that orderto be able to swear without a weight on y nscience that i hadseen you do ad thgs, it would be well for to see if it were onlyone; though your worship&039;s reag here i have seen a verygreat one&ot;

&ot;did i not tell thee ?&ot; said don ixote &ot;wait, sancho, and iwill do the the sayg of a credo,&ot; and pullg off his breeches all haste he stripped hiself to his sk and his shirt, andthen, without ore ado, he cut a uple of gabados the air, anda uple of rsaults, heels over head, akg such a displaythat, not to see it a send ti, sancho wheeled rocante round, andfelt easy, and satisfied his d that he uld swear he had lefthis aster ad; and we will leave hi to follow his road untilhis return, which was a ick one

插pter xxvi

which are ntued the refents wherewith don ixoteplayed the part of a lover the sierra orena

returng to the proceedgs of hi of the rueful untenance whenhe found hiself alone, the history says that when don ixote hadpleted the perforance of the rsaults or capers, naked fro thewaist down and clothed fro the waist up, and saw that sancho had goneoff without waitg to see any ore crazy feats, he clibed up tothe of a high rock, and there set hiself to nsider what hehad several tis before nsidered without ever g to anyncsion on the pot, naly whether it would be better and ore tohis purpose to iitate the outrao adness of roland, or thelancholy adness of aadis; and ung with h

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