
&ot;that is what i say,&ot; said sancho; &ot;there was no oasion fordg the words of a adan; for if good ck had not helped yourworship, and he had sent that stone at your head stead of at yourbreast, a fe way we should have been for standg up for ylady yonder, god nfound her! and then, would not cardenio havegone free as a adan?&ot;

&ot;agast n their senses or agast adn,&ot; said don ixote,&ot;every knight-errant is bound to stand up for the honour of won,whoever they ay be, uch ore for eens of such high degree anddignity as een adasia, for who i have a particular regard onaount of her aiable alities; for, besides beg extrelybeautiful, 射 was very wise, and very patient under herisfortunes, of which 射 had any; and the unsel and ciety of theaster elisabad were a great help and support to her endurg herafflictions with wisdo and resignation; hence the ignorant andill-disposed vulgar took oasion to say and thk that 射 was hisistress; and they lie, i say it once ore, and will lie o hundredtis ore, all who thk and say &ot;

&ot;i neither say nor thk ,&ot; said sancho; &ot;let the look to it;with their bread let the eat it; they have rendered aount to godwhether they isbehaved or not; i e fro y veyard, i knownothg; i a not fond of pryg to other n&039;s lives; he who buysand lies feels it his purse; oreover, naked was i born, naked ifd yself, i neither lose nor ga; but if they did, what is that to? any thk there are flitches where there are no hooks; but whocan put

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