
&ot;of a surety, senor, whoever you are, for i know you not, i thankyou for the proofs of kdness and urtesy you have shown , andwould i were a ndition to reite with thg ore thangood-will that which you have displayed towards the rdialreception you have given ; but y fate does not afford anyother ans of returng kdnesses done save the hearty desireto repay the&ot;

&ot;e,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;is to be of service to you, uch that i had relved not to it these ountas until i had found you,and learned of you whether there is any kd of relief to be found forthat rrow under which fro the stranness of your life you seeto labour; and to search for you with all possible dilce, ifsearch had been necessary and if your isfortune should prove to beone of those that refe adission to any rt of nlation, ias y purpose to jo you lantg and ourng over it, faras i uld; for it is still fort isfortune to fd one whocan feel for it and if y good tentions deserve to beacknowledd with any kd of urtesy, i entreat you, senor, bythat which i perceive you possess high a degree, and likewisenjure you by whatever you love or have loved best life, to tell who you are and the cae that has brought you to live or die these litudes like a brute beast, dwellg aong the a anner foreign to your ndition as your garb and appearance show and iswear,&ot; added don ixote, &ot;by the order of knighthood which i havereceived, and by y vocation of knight-errant, if you gratify this, to serve you

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