
&ot;well, then, if you are jokg i a not,&ot; replied don ixote &ot;lookhere, y lively ntlean, if these, stead of beg fullg hars,had been perilo adventure, have i not, thk you, shown theura reired for the attept and achievent? a i, per插nce,beg, as i a, a ntlean, bound to know and distguish undsand tell whether they e fro fullg ills or not; and that, whenperhaps, as is the case, i have never y life seen any as you have,low boor as you are, that have been born and bred aong the? but turn these six hars to six giants, and brg the to beard ,one by one or all tother, and if i do not knock the head overheels, then ake what ockery you like of &ot;

&ot;no ore of that, senor,&ot; returned sancho; &ot;i own i went a littletoo far with the joke but tell , your worship, now that peace isade beeen (and ay god brg you out of all the adventuresthat ay befall you as safe and und as he has brought you out ofthis one), was it not a thg to laugh at, and is it not a good story,the great fear we were ?- at least that i was ; for as to yourworship i see now that you neither know nor understand what eitherfear or disay is&ot;

&ot;i do not deny,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;that what happened to aybe worth laughg at, but it is not worth akg a story about, for itis not everyone that is shrewd enough to hit the right pot of athg&ot;

&ot;at any rate,&ot; said sancho, &ot;your worship knew how to hit theright pot with your pike, aig at y head and hittg on theshoulders, thanks be

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