
when sancho heard his aster&039;s words he began to weep the ostpathetic way, sayg:

&ot;senor, i know not why your worship wants to attept this dreadful adventure; it is night now, no one sees here, we caneasily turn about and take ourselves out of danr, even if we don&039;tdrk for three days to e; and as there is no one to see , allthe less will there be anyone to set down as wards; besides, ihave any a ti heard the curate of our villa, who your worshipknows well, preach that he who seeks danr peri射s it; it isnot right to tept god by tryg trendo a feat fro which therecan be no escape save by a iracle, and heaven has perford enough ofthe for your worship deliverg you fro beg blanketed as i was,and brgg you out victorio and safe and und fro aong allthose eneies that were with the dead an; and if all this does notove or ften that hard heart, let this thought and reflection oveit, that you will have hardly itted this spot when fro pure feari shall yield y ul up to anyone that will take it i left hoand wife and children to e and serve your worship, trtg to dobetter and not worse; but as vetoness bursts the bag, it hasrent y hopes asunder, for jt as i had the highest about ttgthat wretched uncky island your worship has often proised ,i see that stead and lieu of it you an to desert now aplace far fro huan reach: for god&039;s sake, aster e, deal not unjtly by , and if your worship will not entirely give upatteptg this feat, at least put it off till orng, for

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