
&ot;god order it as he ay,&ot; said sancho panza, and helpg hi to risegot hi up aga on rocante, whose shoulder was half out; andthen, discsg the late adventure, they followed the road uerto lapice, for there, said don ixote, they uld not fail tofd adventures abundance and variety, as it was a greatthoroughfare for all that, he was uch grieved at the loss of hislance, and sayg to his sire, he added, &ot;i reber havgread how a spanish knight, diego perez de vargas by na, havgbroken his sword battle, tore fro an oak a pondero bough orbranch, and with it did such thgs that day, and pounded anyoors, that he got the surna of achuca, and he and hisdescendants fro that day forth were called vargas y achuca tion this becae fro the first oak i see i an to rend su插nother branch, lar and stout like that, with which i adetered and relved to do such deeds that thou ayest dee thyselfvery fortunate beg found worthy to e and see the, and be aneyewitness of thgs that will with difficulty be believed&ot;

&ot;be that as god will,&ot; said sancho, &ot;i believe it all as yourworship says it; but straighten yourself a little, for you see all onone side, ay be fro the shakg of the fall&ot;

&ot;that is the truth,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;and if i ake no pntof the pa it is becae knights-errant are not peritted to pnof any wound, even though their bowels be g out through it&ot;

&ot;if ,&ot; said sancho, &ot;i have nothg to say; but god knows iwould rather your worship pned

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