
&ot;these t be, not chivalry, but poetry,&ot; said the curate; andopeng one he saw it was the &ot;diana&ot; of je de onteayor, and,supposg all the others to be of the sa rt, &ot;these,&ot; he said, &ot;donot deserve to be burned like the others, for they neither do norcan do the ischief the books of chivalry have done, beg books ofentertant that can hurt no one&ot;

&ot;ah, senor!&ot; said the niece, &ot;your worship had better order these tobe burned as well as the others; for it would be no wonder if, afterbeg cured of his chivalry dirder, y uncle, by readg these, tooka fancy to turn 射pherd and ran the woods and fields sgg andpipg; or, what would be still worse, to turn poet, which they say isan curable and fectio alady&ot;

&ot;the dasel is right,&ot; said the curate, &ot;and it will be well ut this stublg-block and teptation out of our friend&039;s way tobeg, then, with the &039;diana&039; of onteayor i a of opion it shouldnot be burned, but that it should be cleared of all that about thesa felicia and the agic water, and of alost all the lonrpieces of verse: let it keep, and wele, its prose and the honour ofbeg the first of books of the kd&ot;

&ot;this that es next,&ot; said the barber, &ot;is the &039;diana,&039; entitledthe &039;send part, by the salaancan,&039; and this other has the satitle, and its author is gil polo&ot;

&ot;as for that of the salaancan,&ot; replied the curate, &ot;let it go toswell the nuber of the ndened the yard, an

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