婉芯清了清嗓子,說道:“hello, i a the prcess of the zhong liang untry where do you e fro?”
西洋傳教士一聽,中梁國度居然會有懂得英語之人,喜出望外,連忙用流利的英文回答道:“nice to et you, iperial ncube y na is jas i a fro ro epire i a a issionary”
婉芯又問道:“why do you e to the zhong liang untry?”
西洋傳教士連忙說道:“a year ago, kg xi ng ade a piano, a viol, and a fte our untry, sayg it was a gift to a onarch a untry far the east the kg of xi ng asked our untry to send a ician who knew three strunts and sent their abassadors to the eastern untry until their icians were ed our kg rebered that the kg xi ng spent thoands of dolrs, and he proised to fd a ician to e to the east i a a catholic, and i want to take this opportunity to e to this eastern untry for issionary work”
婉芯拉回了沉思的思維,開始教這個來自羅馬帝國的傳教士向炫泓行禮,便充當起一個翻譯的角色。婉芯對傳教士說道:“the state has its own cereonies and rules if you follow , i will teach you to sate our eperor and bee your terpreter”
傳教士聽了,連忙點頭,恭敬地回覆道:“i see thank you”
婉芯接著說道:“honorific zhong