第33部分 (第1/8頁)
somewhat; that he was broken downby long and exquisite suffering; that his mind was darkened andconfused by the very remorse which harrowed it; that; betweenfleeing as an avowed criminal; and remaining as a hypocrite;conscience might find it hard to strike the balance; that it was humanto avoid the peril of death and infamy; and the inscrutablemachinations of an enemy; that; finally; to this poor pilgrim; onhis dreary and desert path; faint; sick; miserable; there appeared aglimpse of human affection and sympathy; a new life; and a true one;in exchange for the heavy doom which he was now expiating。 And bethe stern and sad truth spoken; that the breach which guilt has oncemade into the human soul is never; in this mortal state; repaired。It may be watched and guarded; so that the enemy shall not force hisway again into the citadel; and might even; in his subsequentassaults; select some other avenue; in preference to that where he hadformerly succeeded。 But there is still the ruined wall; and; nearit; the stealthy tread of the foe that would win over again hisunforgotten triumph。 The struggle; if there were one; need not be described。 Let itsuffice; that the clergyman resolved to flee; and not alone。 〃If; in all these past seven years;〃 thought he; 〃I could recall oneinstant of peace or hope; I would yet endure; for the sake of thatearnest of Heaven's mercy。 But now… since I am irrevocably doomed…wherefore should I not snatch the solace allowed to the condemnedculprit befo